There are 2 methods to install *free* games on your IPhone, both a jailbroken iPhone. The method I will explain is the easiest one. It does not require patching your iPhone.

Easy steps:

- Update your iPhone to firmware 2.0 or later with Pwnage 2.0
It’s important that your iPhone is Jailbroken, and that you have installed Cydia Installer.

- Fire up Cydia, and install OpenSSH. It will allow you to connect to your iPhone.
Next you will need an ftp client that handles SFTP protocol.
I recommend Transmit for Mac users or Winscp for Windows users.

- Connect your iPhone to your wifi home network, and check the assigned IP address.
Fire up your FTP client, and connect to your iPhone IP address with the following user:

User : root
Password : alpine

- Get the IPA files (google is your friend)
Rename the extension IPA to ZIP and extract the content.
You’ll find the in the Payload folder.

- Browse to the /Applications directory and upload the

- You will need to set the correct permissions on the apps folder in /Applications
Apply permissions 775 with your ftp client to the folder you added under /Applications

- Create a folder called “Documents” in /Applications and /private/var/Mobile
This is a one time process, if the Documents folder already exist, leave it skip to next step

- You will need to set the correct permissions on the 2 “Documents” folder you created
Apply permissions 777 with your ftp client.

- Reboot your iPhone and the *free* apps should appear on your iPhone.

Alternative method:

This method will allow you install *free* cracked IPA files through iTunes.
It requires that you replace a framework with a patched one.

- Connect to your iPhone with SSH, user root, password alpine
- Go to folder /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework
- Backup the MobileInstallation binary : cp -r MobileInstallation MobileInstallation.bak
- Connect with SFTP and upload the patched MobileInstallation
- Set permissions : chmod 775 MobileInstallation
- Reboot the iPhone

Double-Click the IPA files to import them in iTunes.
Then simply Sync your applications with iPhone.